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Private Lessons with
Garret Nielson, PGA
Head Golf Professional
Garret was born and raised in Bozeman, MT, where he grew up playing golf at Cottonwood Hills. When he was a kid, he used to walk to the course and play the par three for hours on end. He has been part of the Cottonwood Hills family for years, and has a deep respect for the traditions and history of the course. He knows that it’s a special place, made that way by the pass-holders, customers, and employees who spend time there. Garret started working at the course in the spring of 2016 as a cart boy. He’s been here ever since, and the spring of 2022 was his first year as Head Golf Professional.
Garret is passionate about the game of golf and teaching. He is particularly interested in supporting Junior Golf. He grew up playing various junior tournaments, and played high school golf for the Bozeman Hawks. He looks forward to providing the same opportunities that he was afforded, and more. He is also interested in supporting Women’s golf. Cottonwood Hills is known nationwide for it’s women’s golf programs, and Garret looks forward to continuing that tradition by building upon the tremendous success that we’ve had.
Garret completed the PGA Associate's program in July 2022 and is a Class A-1 Member of the PGA.
When he’s not working or golfing, he enjoys hiking, hunting, and spending time with his family and dog Brady.
To book a lesson email garret@cottonwoodhills.com or use the button below to book online!
No times available that fit your schedule? Email garret@cottonwoodhills.com to find a time or to book with one of our other teaching professionals.